
Please watch the interesting animations also, enclosed with every post



This article is going to throw some light on the negative impacts of 'White Revolution' on our society. 

* We will discuss here the complete story of bringing foreign-breed cattle to Bharat, Cross-breeding of Indigenous Cows with them.

* Introduction of Chemical-based Injections, Cattle-feeds, Veterinary Medicines etc. and their negative impacts on human health.

* Cultivation of milk in Inorganic/Unnatural ways, with Injections and medicines.

* Unnatural ways of reproduction of cattle.

* Formulation of huge Dairy-farms and dairy-market in Bharat.

* Current scenario of Milk and Milk-Market in Bharat.

* Stray Cattle Menace ('Cattle on highways and cities'- a side effect of White-Revolution).

* A short animated movie on 'White Revolution'.


White revolution was first Started in IRAN in 1963 by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Its aim was to maximize the milk production in the country and thus generate revenue from milk and milk products. It enters BHARAT in 1970. 

Bharat, once known as the land where 'Rivers of milk' flows, was facing scarcity of milk due to the centuries-old slavery of British Empire. However, the British Empire was ended in Bharat in 1947, but the nation was struggling to come into their own. So to overcome the financial crisis and after the so-called successful implementation of the Green Revolution in 1961, White Revolution was also started in Bharat. 

BHARAT was a country where respect for every living being was an integral part of its culture, even trees and plants were worshipped here. Same as with the cattle. Cows were worshipped here with dignity. Not only Cows who gave milk, but also who were not in their milking period were worshipped. But White revolution has nothing to do with the religious sentiments of the people, but to work only for increasing the production of milk. 

During the formulation of White Revolution it was found that one drawback with the Indigenous Cows was that, their milk-producing capability was not very high and also their milking period was small during their motherhood years. So to achieve the vision of White revolution a mammoth and anti-national step was taken, which was 'To import the foreign high milk-producing breeds of cattle to Bharat'. The major breeds that were imported at that time:

1. Jersey from Britain

Jersey cow

2. Holstein Friesian (H.F.) from Holland

H.F cow

3. Brown Swiss from America.

Brown swiss cow

These cattle were famous for producing a large quantity of milk up to 60-70 litrs/day. So these were imported at huge scale into Bharat. As the government was backing the White Revolution, these cattle were distributed widely all over the country. A huge amount of subsidy and other facilities were also provided to the interested dairy farmers to work with these foreign-guests. A large no. of dairy farms were started across the country to achieve the goal of White Revolution. AMUL was also started in the viewpoint of White Revolution and it was the key player in White Revolution process, which is also termed as "Operation Flood" sometimes.

The lust for increasing Milk Production was at such a peak that to increase the milk production capability of Indigenous Cows, these foreign breeds were CROSS-BREEDED with Indigenous Cows.
The results were nasty.
Crossbreed cow
H.F cattle cross-breed with Hariana cattle 

'KARAN-SWISS' is also an example of Crossbreeding. Sahiwal and Brown Swiss cattle are crossbreeded to form a new breed Karan-swiss at the national dairy research institute Karnal(Haryana).

All this ended in a very unexpected and unfavorable manner. The imported breeds were not use-to with the climate here in Bharat, these were imported from colder climates. So suitable climatic conditions were required to work with them, so fans and air-conditioners were necessary for them. And also high-quality Veterinary medicines and high-grade feed were required, so these were also imported. In actual, these were milking machines not cattle or even not considered as living beings. They were milked with the help of Injections and medicines. The reproduction is also done with the Injections. Completely unnatural and inhuman ways were used to treat these Cattle. The milk thus produced was also inorganic and full of disease-causing micro-organisms. Further studies on milk found that there are two qualities of milk.
A1 and A2. (Read more about these categories of milk here ).

The milk of these cattle falls in the category of A1 milk, which is unhealthy for human consumption and increases risks of high Cholesterol levels and heart-attacks.

The CROSS-BREEDING  has put a completely adverse effect on Indigenous cows. It takes the Indigenous breeds of Cows to the limits of extinction. When I roam around the state of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi, most of the cows I found are Cross-breed, H.F and jersey. Pure Indigenous cows are out from most of the villages around.
You would be so lucky if you find a pure Indigenous Cow here in any house of the Northern region of the country, the impact is so huge. 

Now due to the practices started with White revolution, Indigenous buffaloes and cross-breed cows are also milked and reproduce with the help of Injections/medicines. The government has started a no. of veterinary hospitals whose tasks include 'To reproduce cattle with injections and make all possible efforts, so these can be milked to the most'.
What to name the milk, produced from the mixture of breeds? one from East and one from the West part of the world. Milk is a necessity of mankind, and such short-sighted policies of Govts. like White revolution have ruined the quality and piousness of milk, which is a matter of shame. Most of the people don't know, for what they are paying a lot and what they are feeding to their children is a slow poison, nothing more than it.

Talking about the current Milk-market of Bharat, the situation is worse. Dairy is a huge business-sector of Bharat. All ugly and illegal practices are done with milk/milk products. From the packed to loose milk, nobody can assure you the Oraganicity(the state of being Organic) of the milk. Boric powder, false milk-powder and even detergents are used to make the underhanded milk/milk products. The lust for gaining extra profit hasn't spared the milk-market. Milk being a much sensitive product, cannot retain for 2 days at room temperature, only God or Milk companies know, what additives or preservatives they use to extend its life up to 90 days? In my personal opinion, I don't find this milk pure or organic. But people are helpless to buy adulterated and unhealthy milk/milk products with hands tied.

Also Due to the White Revolution, useless and thus abandoned cattle increased significantly in numbers. The big dairy farms and small farmers, who found their cattle useless, abandon them. Thus, these were helpless to move around cities and fields. If someone cannot deny the fact that White revolution increases the milk production in the country, then also he cannot deny the fact that White revolution also increases the numbers of abandoned cattle and slaughter-houses across the country. We will discuss this topic with facts & figures in another article. To increase just the quantity of milk at the cost of compromising with the quality of milk, disturbing the food-chain and nature-cycle, hurting the religious sentiments of a nation and to play with the lives of people doesn't makes sense at all.

Let's watch now a small animated movie on 'THE BLACK IMPACT OF WHITE REVOLUTION'. Please make sure your device's media volume is full and then click on the video, to get it played. 

Proposed Countermeasures:

However the situation is nearly critical, but effective countermeasures can flip the whole scenario, for sure. Some of the great Enthusiasts are working with all of their energies to rectify the loss caused due to White Revolution and to regain the piousness and purity of MILK. We as a society can also do our bit to help ourselves to come out of this drastic problem.
Follow the link to know more about the Countermeasures/Solutions:


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