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In this article, we will discuss the classification of Milk according to the recent studies- A1 milk and A2 milk. We will discuss here:

* Formation of A1 milk and A2 milk according to their chemical structure.  

* Advantages and disadvantages of consumption of both of the categories of milk.

* Risks associated with A2 milk.

* Sources of A1 and A2 milk.

* A2 milk on a commercial scale in Bharat, as well as in the World.

* A short animated movie on A1 and A2 milk.

Recent studies found that Milk is of two types. The first category is A1 and the second is A2. These are termed so due to their chemical composition. Let's discuss it in detail here.

Milk written white on black background

Milk contains various Nutrients in it, Proteins are one of them. Proteins are of two types, which are found in Milk. One is Whey Protein and another is Casein protein. A1 and A2 milk got their diversification from a difference in the casein protein composition. If we further classify Casein protein, it splits into three forms which are:

1. Alpha Casein
2. Beta Casein
3. Kappa Casein
Genetic mutation of milk

In some of the European and American countries, unnatural practices like Crossbreeding cause Genetic Mutation in cattle. Genetic mutation led to the alteration of the chemical composition of milk. As we all know, each type of Protein is formed of the amino acid chain. Beta Casein type of protein also consists of an amino acid chain in it. In its default amino acid chain, Proline is on the 67th position. This type of Casein protein is considered as A2 and thus the Milk containing such Casein protein is termed as A2 milk.
But due to the Genetic mutation, the Proline which was on the 67th position got replaced by Histidine. This casein protein thus formed is termed as A1 and such type of milk is considered to be A1 milk. The figure shown below is showing the Proline amino acid replaced with Histidine amino acid.
Proline replaced with histidine

Most of the Cows in Europe and America produce A1 category of milk. Researches found that the milk of various high milk-producing breeds of Cows like Jersey, Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, Angus falls in the category of A1 milk. A1 milk is harmful for human consumption. There are various risks associated with A1 milk. In their research, scientists found that regular consumption of A1 milk can cause various complications in the human body. A1 milk can cause more than 40 types of diseases in the human body. The most common diseases which were found in the patients, regularly consuming A1 milk are:
1. Type1 diabetes
2. High Cholesterol level.
3. Heart-ailments.
4. Autism.
5. Schizophrenia

On the other hand, A2 milk is free from any disease-causing micro-organisms and is considered to be absolutely fit for human consumption. Pure Indigenous cows like Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, Indigenous buffaloes and some of the American, European and German cows produce A2 category milk. Regular consumption of A2 milk can cure many ailments that were expected to occur in near future. 
Further detail about A1 and A2 milk can be read on the report of the International Journal of Science and Nature. The link is provided at the end of the article.

Such eye-opening researches took the people around the world in shock. People around the world were confused to decide, which milk to consume? As most of the milk produced around the world is of  A1 category and availability of A2 milk was not to sufficient level, people are left with not many options.

So in the year 2000, a company "A2 MILK COMPANY" was founded in New Zealand. A2 milk company provides only the A2 category of Milk and milk products to its customers.

A2 milk company now operates in many countries like America, Australia, Newzealand, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom.  Due to the awareness of people and due to the high demand of A2 milk across the world, A2 milk company has worked very well across the globe. A2 milk company crosses 337 million Australian Dollar revenue last year. Such a huge business of A2 milk company is clearly showing the demand for A2 milk among the people across the world.
There are many players in Bharat also, who are working in this field.

1. THE WAY WE WERE, Noida.

2. HETHA, Sikandarpur U.P.


4. VRINDAVAN MILK, Bangalore

These are some of the organizations which are working to promote A2 milk across Bharat. There are a lot more enthusiasts and organizations which are working on A2 milk, but not to exaggerate the length of the article, I am presenting only a few of them here. Due to health hazards associated with the consumption of A1 milk, people across the world are switching to A2 milk. As Indigenous cows and buffaloes produce high-quality A2 milk, we the citizens of this country should consume only A2 milk and also work towards increasing the production of A2 milk. The nasty results of WHITE REVOLUTION should be overturned with the collective efforts of all of us. The crossbreeding curse and thus produced cross-breed cows have taken the quality of Indigenous milk to the hell-down. We should work towards reinstating the pure Indigenous breeds of Cows, as well as Buffaloes, like some of the great enthusiasts shown above are doing.

Attributions: Pixabay, Bensound,


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