
Please watch the interesting animations also, enclosed with every post



In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of the current education system. The Pros and Cons of the Education System. We will discuss here:

* Present Education System of Bharat.

* Excessive Syllabus of Schools/Colleges and its uselessness for children in their future.

* Immense StudyLoad on children and their lost Childhood in Schools.

* Private School/Colleges- 'A Succesful Business Model' In Today's Time.

* Extra Classes, Tuition Centres, Coaching classes multiplying the StudyLoad on children, thus making the environment nastier.

* Do each day Sacrifices of Children/Parents for education repay?

* Loss of Character, Loss of Moral values, Loss of Respect for Culture, loss of respect for Elders, Waste of Time and Energy, Overburden of all time are some of the side-effects of the Present Education System.

* A small animated movie on Education system.

Along with the Passage of time, Education System has also changed drastically. Education in Ancient Bharat was free of Cost. Education was provided to the children in dedicated Monasteries known as Gurukuls. No fees was charged from children. They live and study there absolutely free of cost.

With the arrival of British Empire in Bharat, the Education system of Bharat got damaged. The Ruling British Government, with the point of view that the upcoming generation of Bharat will speak in their language and thus match their tone, the Gurukuls were forcefully shut down. The then British Government make these Gurukuls Illegal and started a new mode of Education in Bharat, known as SCHOOLS. Present Education System of Bharat is completely based on these Schools. (Please read Lord Macauley's address to the British Parliament in the year 1835, given at the end of the article.)

Schools operate all over the Bharat, now. Schools are of two types. One is Government funded and another is Private Funded. Government Schools charge a small amount of fee from students whereas the Private Schools charge a huge amount of fee. Due to fewer facilities and somehow low standard of Govt. Schools, most of the parents prefer to put their children into Private Schools.

In a place of being an education center, these Private Schools are becoming 'A Business model' in today's time. Bharat, where Per Capita Income is nearly $2000/year (about 1,40,000 INR), the fees of Private School starting from $1000/year can go upto $10,000/year. Along with the fixed admission & monthly fee, various other miscellaneous charges are taken from the students. It includes School-dress charges, Books and stationary, Transportation charges, Charges for various competitions like fancy dress, singing competition, science or math quizzes, annual and festive-functions, charges for outdoor activities and sports, laboratory fees etc. Parents bear all of these expenses with the hope of giving their children a better future.

Children looking through window of class

Talking further about the syllabus of the schools, It includes various subjects like- 
2.Science(Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
3.Social Studies(Geography, History, Economics)
6.Regional Languages
9.Optional subjects( Music, Sanskrit, Urdu, Dance, Artwork etc.)

Each of these subjects contains a vast amount of material in it, most of which is of no use for students in their future. Like in Maths, other than Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division and some basic equations, Advanced level Integration, Differentiation, Complex Numbers, Infinite numbers, Roots etc. are also taught in the schools. All of these are of no use for the students in future except for someone who wants to become a scientist or Mathematician or an engineer in a particular field. Most of the syllabus being taught in schools is useless and is just a Waste of Time and Energy of Students. But who really cares? Schools/Colleges are busy in making money from students in the name of Education and teachers are enjoying themselves on the lap of students.

Student lifting studyload,university making money, teacher enjoying

If anyone wants to become an independent Entrepreneur or want to become a Player or a Singer or an Artist, what he will do with the Complex numbers or Differentiation in his whole life. This is a serious flaw in our current education system. In my personal experience, I also suffer from such creepy study pressure. Its been nearly 10 years since I left studies after my graduation, but still there's many of the times when I get my sleep vanished, due to the pressure of completing an incomplete assignment or a Project work.

Moving further, most of the people now wake up with the sounds of horns of school buses, shouting on the streets. Parents and children need to get up early and rush for the schools. Some of the Parents drop and pick up their children by themselves. Parents give bundles of Fees to the schools. Parents and children both, do a lot of sacrifices daily, for the sake of education. But do it's worth paying or Will it repay in future? What if I say 'more than 90 percent of these efforts will be going to be a "Waste" in most of the cases?' We need to think from beneath on this topic.

Well, it is certainly not the end here, the environment goes much more nasty with the initiation of Extra-Classes, Tuition centers and Coaching Centres. Children are losing their Childhood in these Modern Cages. Their Mental and Physical health is ruining.

 Another one serious issue to mention here is the Vulgar talks, Porns, drug-addictions, anti-social & mischievous activities in which children got indulge during studies. It is considered, a matter of pride among the school-going children, to get involved in these practices. Such practices of students grow with their age and it could take the children on the path of crime easily. Children have a lot of free time in schools when they can indulge themselves in these nasty activities. Being out from home, there's no one who can save them from going on this wrong path. 
The following news is justifying the growing criminal intentions among schoolgoing children.
The news states about the rape done by a 10th class student on a second class girl (merely 8 years old) in a private school, near Amritsar City of Punjab. What nastier going to be other than this? It's a matter of shame for the whole of our society. Is it for this, we send our children to schools and pay a hefty amount of money? It is just one incident that comes out, otherwise, there are many more hard to digest activities that are done among schoolgoing children and remain hidden, which we are unaware of. The things have gone so much terrible.

Please click on the video twice to get it played

 So what should we do to get rid of this growing problem? 
Should we not educate our children? or should we let our children to fall prey in these modern cages? or we should fight with the schools and education system to get the things changed and make things in our favour? We will try to get you some possible countermeasures to tackle this problem in an upcoming article, so please stay tuned.

Lord Macauley's letter

Attributions: Pixabay,, Anjaliartworks.


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