
Please watch the interesting animations also, enclosed with every post


Overview: In this article, we will discuss:


* The impact of Coronavirus pandemic over 196 countries of the world.

* Different types of  Lockdowns in different countries to prevent Coronavirus Or COVID 19.

* Coronavirus and Bharat.

* Rejuvenation of Mother Nature during Lockdowns.

* Quarantine or to live Secluded for some time - the only cure to the deadly coronavirus.

*  What humans should possibly understand from this lesson of coronavirus pandemic? 

* A small animated movie on Coronavirus pandemic.


Just think for a while - The Man, the superior among all the races of living organisms, conquerer of the skies, dominating all living species on the planet, breaking the limits of space, the unrivaled ruler of this world, has suddenly stopped and got locked into his own house. No threat, No any disease, No political or ammunition power had been successful in stopping him like this, ever before. Is this the power of a small microorganism or it's something beyond this? We need to find this out, before its too late.

Man thinking while seeing Coronavirus through window

Humans have never been such pathetic under any circumstances. The outburst of Corona pandemic has made humans as pitiful as never were. Man has cured almost all types of illnesses. Either its Cancer, Diabetes, or all types of critical fevers, Respiratory disorders, neither has become a pandemic in front of Humans. But why the humans have come to their knees when it comes to Coronavirus.

Coronavirus or covid19 around the world

Starting from densely populated China, Coronavirus hasn't spared a single nation of the world. Either its United States of America which is having more than 10 lakhs positive cases and more than 50 thousand deaths till date or its Papua New guinea, having less than 10 cases; coronavirus has knocked the doors of all the nations around the world. No medicine, no vaccination and no any other type of medical treatment work on coronavirus. Now let's try to decode the Corona mystery by analyzing the current scenario of our planet.

World Health Organisation(W.H.O) has declared Coronavirus a Global pandemic. To minimize the damage due to the corona pandemic, the only solution which different countries found is SOCIAL DISTANCING. So, to deal with CoronaVirus most of the countries are observing LOCKDOWNS. Lockdown can be partial or whole, but most of the countries, willingly or unwillingly, are implementing it. Lockdown means to temporarily shut down all the commercial activities either its Education, Businesses, Transportation, Restaurants, Shopping Malls or Shops except some of the most necessary services like medical services, Groceries or milk. In some countries, lockdowns are being observed on different days a week. Somewhere 3 days a week are given to men to come out and 2 days for women to come out of their homes. Overall, to get rid of this Corona Pandemic, Lockdowns are being observed all around the globe. 
Bharat is observing its second phase of lockdown which is of 19 days after the first phase of 21 days of total lockdown.

Lockdowns due to coronavirus around the world

Mother Nature has gone through immense pain in the form of pollution. Either its Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Noise pollution, or huge nasty dumps of Garbages. Now with a halt on different pollution-causing activities like Air, Road or Water Transportation; Agrochemicals and Alcohol Industries; Cement and other construction-oriented factories; Mother Earth is Rejuvenating.
She's healing, after decades of the destruction and now expressing her ecstasy by singing in the form of birds and trees. Here's a small video, somewhere around Chandigarh U.T. of Bharat, which is showing the joy of thousands of birds singing and playing during the lockdown.

Please make sure your device's media volume is full and then click on the video twice to get it played.

As most of the countries around the Globe has called for a Lockdown, most of the people are bound to stay in their homes. In this Era of TwentyTwenty, where everyone is so busy in his/her own life that no one has a little free time to spend with the family. Lockdowns really have given much of the time to everyone to stay with family and yield sweet relationships with them. Like in Bharat, the total lockdowns are becoming helpful in eliminating the mutual misunderstandings, that arose due to work-pressure outside and now its bringing Joy, ecstasy and feeling of Togetherness among all.

Do, We the humans, have become Work-Machines? Selfish-Demons who don't care about the other fellow living-beings, harming and killing them for our own comforts? Blind-evils who are destroying the sole reason for our survival, that's Mother Nature?
Wait here and Think for a while, Possibly is it not for this, Mother Nature or Almighty has sent us a message in the name of CORONAVIRUS? Doesn't Almighty want from us, to keep faith in Him and don't rush blindly in the name of basic needs like food, clothes, shelter, and thus spoil His wonderful world? As there's a famous quote which says "Nature has enough to fulfill everyone's needs but not enough to fulfill anyone's Greeds". Possibly He may want us to live happily with our families by spending a great time with them, which was going to destroy in our rush otherwise, and thus give some time to Mother Nature to Heal

Families enjoying during lockdowns

Despite Social distancing, the bonds of families are getting stronger and sweet during this Lockdown and Mother Nature is blooming to its glory with great speed.

Moving on, If we talk about the cure of Coronavirus, no medication can cure it. Surprisingly, the only cure to this deadly virus is to keep the patient in Quarantine or Seclude him up to two weeks. The immune system of our body will get it cured, naturally. Is there's something, which we need to understand from this also? In this Modern World it looks odd, outdated, or a matter of superstition, What I am going to talk next, but what if GOD wants to say it?

When we look around, All of the Spiritual Teachers, Mentors or Monks, either it was The Great Budha, Saint Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Guru Nanak, Great Persian Poet Mansoor, the Greek Philosopher Socrates, Sufi Poet Baba Farid or it was the Jesus Christ, all of them had kept themselves away from social relations and lived in Quarantine or Secluded themselves in places away from the people's reach. All of them live secluded for a long span of time or a Shorter one. They did so to know the sole reason behind this whole world, who is driving this world, which is called as GOD. They did so to Know who is GOD and Who we are? They did so to get enlightened from within. 

Doesn't the Almighty sending us a message in the name of Corona, so we should give some of our time to ourselves and explore what these Masters are saying to the whole Humanity? May He wants that we should know the real ourselves and thus also get to know Him. May He wants us to get rid of the endless desires and worries of the world and enjoy inner peace. May He wants us to get rid of the ever-running cycle of Birth and Death. This can be achieved only after living secluded and explore our inner sides. All of us need to stop here and think for a while about this. A small microorganism cannot hold that much of power, there's something behind the Curtains, I believe. 

Man praying to God, being helpless in front of coronavirus

I have just presented my opinion here, everyone is having his/her own wisdom to evaluate the situation and conclude the possibilities, that it may hold. With this, I am ending up my article here. Any suggestions are welcome. 

Let's watch now a small animated movie on 'CORONAVIRUS'. Please make sure your device's media volume is full and then click on the video twice to get it played.

Attributions:,, Unsplash.


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