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Organic farming- not an option but the only way now


In this article, we will continue with the required countermeasures to reverse the side effects of green revolution and other similar practices in Agriculture. We will discuss here:

* What is Organic or Natural Farming? 

* People around the world getting aware of Organic farming and thus masses are switching to Organic farming and organically grown food. 

* A brief look around the globe about the various activities of Organic farming. 

* Organic farming as an unstoppable movement in Bharat now. 

* A look at some of the NGOs, Clubs, Committees promoting Organic farming and some E-Commerce stores of Organic products across Bharat. 

* Organically grown food as a fully nutritious and balanced diet and also a medication of a number of diseases. 

* Organic farming- a boon to the indebted farmers of Bharat. 

* Organic farming- A healer of the mother nature. 

* A small animated movie on the 'Organic or Natural farming'.


Let us start by understanding what is Organic Farming or Natural Farming

Farming or Agriculture has transformed a lot during the last two centuries. With the rise of Machines and Chemicals, Agriculture has become a very easy practice, comparing with the older way of Manual Agriculture. Now Agriculture doesn't need your hands and clothes muddy all the time, it doesn't need you daily in the farms, it doesn't need bullocks and other animals in the fields, it doesn't need you to eliminate weeds manually from the fields, it doesn't need laborers to cut and extract the crops and even it doesn't depend upon the natural resources like rain, rivers and canals for irrigation.
This modern method of Agriculture is termed as Chemical-based Farming or Intensive Farming or Production-oriented Farming.

However, the traditional method of Farming in which no Chemicals like Fertilizers, Urea, DAP, Insecticides, pesticides, weedicides etc. are used, is termed as Natural Farming or Organic Farming. All of the above are substituted in a natural way in Organic Farming.
The question is what is the need for Organic Farming in this modern era? 

Organic farming, Organic Food, Organic Agriculture

The need for Organic agriculture arises in this era due to the life-threats associated with Chemical-based farming. The wide use of Chemicals in the agricultural fields leads to a significant amount of chemical content in the food on our dinning-tables also. This in turn causes various life-threatening complications in human bodies. Various deadly diseases like as different types of cancers, respiratory diseases, Lung Malfunctioning, Genetical Disorders, Skin infections, Eye and Throat infections etc. have been observed after the consumption of this chemically grown food. Along with this, there's also a significant amount of risk associated with the use and handling of these agrochemical-medicines. Many of the farmers around the world lose their lives every year, mishandling these poisonous chemicals. All this is leading the masses to switch towards Natural Farming.

People from all around the world are getting aware of the risks associated with chemical-based farming. After all, it is a matter of food, no one wants to eat poisonous food. Due to this, a movement of Natural farming is acquiring a pace all around the world. Various dedicated Organisations, NGOs, independent and Government subsidiaries are working on Organic Farming and also promoting it with full energy.

Organic product shop

There are various CompaniesNGOs, Independent Environmentalists who are promoting Organic Farming around the world to reverse the hazards of Chemical Farming. These are some of the major Agrocompanies around the world which are working on Organic Farming models and thus promoting it, around the world:

2.Apeel Sciences.
4.Omni Earth.
8.NewLeaf Symbiotics
Follow the link at the last to find more info. about these Multinational Agrocompanies.

Talking now about Bharat, Bharat is an Agriculture based economy. But the situation of the Agriculture sector of India is pitiful. Agriculture of Bharat is facing the crisis that arose due to Green revolution.
See more about the "Bloody Colors of Green Revolution" here:

Some aware citizens of Bharat are putting their full efforts to counter this crisis; with the adoption and promotion of Organic Farming. Bharat has a highly ancient background in Agriculture. The agriculture of Bharat is very rich in itself, which consists of each and every technique of handling all types of crops at all stages, that are suitable to Bharat's Climate. Various natural Fertilizers made from Cowdung, slurry, plant residue, woods, etc.; Natural insecticides and pesticides made from various Plants like Tulsi, Neem(Azadirachta indica), Hing (Asafoetida) etc.; Various techniques of multiple or friendly-cropping, focus on the mutual relationship between farming and nature (birds, soil, water, trees etc.) are some of the highly productive techniques of Bharat's ancient farming. These traditional methods are reviving again in Bharat, due to the efforts of some dedicated people of Bharat.  

Some of the active minds working on restoring the traditional practices of Organic Farming are introduced here:

1. Organic Farming Association of India:  OFAI is termed as the biggest network of Organic Farming in Bharat. Here, all types of Information about Organic growers- People, Organisations, States etc. can easily be gathered. All types of techniques of Organic farming according to the area can easily be found, here. Various articles, Facebook pages, newsletters of OFAI easily provide the necessary information to interesting people.

2. Sikkim as the first 100% organic state of Bharat: Since 2016, Sikkim has become the first state of Bharat where Farming is 100 percent Organic and Natural. Sikkim produces an abundant amount of Rice, maize, millet, wheat, barley, oranges, tea, and cardamom. All of its products are 100% pure and free from any chemical contents. The efforts of the Sikkim Government and its people are applauded all around the Bharat.

3. Kheti Virasat Mission (Punjab): KVM is a Non-Govt. and Non-profit organization actively working on reviving Natural farming in Punjab. It is been active in reviving Organic farming and promoting it around the state for two decades. KVM came to limelight after it was introduced in the famous show "Satyamev Jayate" hosted by Amir Khan in BHARAT and some financial help was also provided to the NGO by show-makers. 

4. Some other famous Organic Growers of Bharat: There are some other Organisations that are working side by side to promote organic farming in Bharat. Like: 

Except for these, there are some independent growers of India who made their names with their tremendous work in Organic Framing. Here are some of the famous Organic Farmers of Bharat:

1. Akash Chaurasia from Madhya Pradesh (M.P).

2. Kan Singh Nirwan from Haryana.

3. Suresh Desai from Karnataka.

4. Ex- Advocate Kamaljeet Singh from Punjab

Along with these Organic Growers, there's a huge market of Organic produce, here in Bharat. Various offline and online Shops, portals are meeting the big demand for Organic products. Let's have a look at some of the biggest portals of Organic products, active here in Bharat.







Definitely, the list is not over yet, there's a lot and lot more People, Organisations, who are working on Organic Agriculture in many possible ways. To mention all these in this small article is definitely impossible. I am just presenting some of the best people in my perspective, who are working on Organic Farming. My motive is just to make most and most people aware of Organic farming and be inspired by the people who have gone miles in this way. My apology if I am forgetting to introduce any of the major personalities working on Organic Farming.

Talking further, Organic Farming is proposed not only for the benefit of consumers but also Organic farming is greatly beneficial for the debt-ridden farmers, who are ending up their lives failing to clear their dues, rose due to widely putting up of costly fertilizers and other Agromedicines in fields. Organic Farming will not only save their money but also get them out of the risks of killer diseases like cancers, associated with the chemical-based Agromedicines. Along with this, Mother Nature has also got adverse effects due to Chemical Farming, from decades. This can also be cured by switching to Organic Or Natural Farming. The Beauty and Glory of Nature, Birds, Trees, Forests, Water reservoirs can also be reinstated by adopting Natural Farming. Moreover, the Naturally Grown Food is fully nutritious and free from any diseases-causing chemicals. For sure the quality stands above the quantity. It means we will get the same nutrition from 200gms. of Naturally grown food as we will get from 1 kg. of Chemical-grown food, which will also contain the risks of various hazardous diseases. So after getting aware, we need to switch to Organic Farming as soon as possible and also make others aware. Definitely, Organic farming is the only way, not an option now. With these words, I am ending up this article here. Any comments, suggestions, critics are welcome.

Let's watch now a small animated movie on 'Organic Farming'. Please make sure your device's media volume is full and then click on the video, to get it played. 

The major Multinational Companies working on Organic Agriculture can be found here:

Attributions: Pixabay, Unsplash,


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